Wednesday, March 1, 2017

One Monthly Goal: March

My March goal is to completely finish this squirrel that I started in 2016.  This UFO isn't that old, but I'll be glad to have it done because it was a spur of the moment afternoon thing that didn't really have a purpose other than curiosity - not that that's a bad reason to make a quilt 😃 .

I'm linking up to One Monthly Goal


  1. I've got squirrel projects too! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

    1. Thank you :) I'm so glad I found your site! It's very motivating!

  2. That would be a great border on a pieced quilt. I get into those "curiosity" things that excite me sometimes too!

  3. What fun to finish this one up! Enjoy the process and good luck accomplishing your goal!
