Friday, June 8, 2012

Dominic in the Dell

Date:  May 2012

Reason:  I have collected a lot of eye spy fabrics.  I wanted to put a little boy's quilt together.  I was also secretly hoping it would tickle the fancy of my friend who has a little boy.

Fabric:  I've been collecting fabrics from so many sources for so long.  Many of them have been precut to 4" squares for ease of use later on.

Lessons:   This is only the second piece that I've machine quilted using a darning foot.  I need to remember to keep the needle in the down position when shifting the quilt and to hold the quilt firmly in place when starting again to make sure it doesn't move.  There are a lot of little jaggedy lines that I'm sure will go away with practice!

Thoughts:  I love machine quilting!!  Must do more!!


  1. It looks great, the cow fabrics are especially fun! I've also found free motion quilting to be very addictive.

  2. Thank you MC and June! Dominic's maternal family are ranchers thus the cows. His grandpa thoroughly approved of the John Deere flannel back.
