I read a lot of quilters' blogs. A common theme every January is UFO conquering. It's a good and noble thought, but most quilters have the next six quilts in their head all the time and the urge to start them can be insurmountable.
Back in 2015, I made a UFO list. BTW, I've changed that name to PHD: Projects Half Done. It sounds so much better. So, I made a list in
2015. Click the year to view it. I've made progress of a few of those. Two are done. At least one hasn't been touched.
Recently, I made myself a quilters journal for my PHDs. Actually, I made two journals. Each had forty pages - one page for each quilt. I can check off each step as I complete it and make notes about what needs to happen. Um. There are 4 pages left in the first journal and only 3 or 4 quilts have been completed since I started using it a few months ago. My quilting life is a constant state of 'squirrel'.
Back to quilters' blogs. So many of us feel overwhelmed by the sheer number waiting to be finished that it's hard to know where to start. This morning I had
my answer to this dilemma. I would choose nine quilts from my list and focus on them this year. Why nine, you ask? Because I can make 9 into a pretty little graphic like this:
Here they are. My Future 2017 finishes.
1. String Theory Part I: This quilt is *almost* finished. After I quilted it, I decided it needed some big stitch quilting so that's where I'm at now.
2. Diamonds on a String: This is a quilt that was started in 2010. At the time, I felt all my quilts needed to be bed sized or they were not very useful. My thinking on this has evolved to "I want to try all the things so crib size is where it's at". I'm pretty sure I'm going to put a border on it and call it a day, but don't quote me on that.
3. Modern Dresden: I'm having a lot of fun with this. When it's done it will probably look like I've tossed different sized Dresdens onto a pieced grey background and quilted them where they landed. The top is maybe half finished. All the Dresdens are done.
4. A squirrel from last year. It just needs to be quilted.
5. A Craftsy class that I'm half finished. I think I had a temper tantrum when I realized I needed to de-stitch something and put it in a box.
6. Aurifil BOM from 2014. The top is finished.
7. Another finished top.
8. This is the last quilt from a Craftsy Class on Modern quilting. I decided to hand quilt the top with concentric circles. I am having the worst time keeping all the circles even.
9. Blocks from a friend that I just need to sew into a top. I'll probably give this one to MCC when I'm done.
Meanwhile, I need to go shopping. I'm down to one quilt worth of batting. It's like only having one blade left for your rotary cutter. It's making me itchy.