Date: Early 2013 - August 2014
Pattern: Missouri Star Quilt Company "Pheobe's Flower Box" YouTube video here.
Reason: I needed to empty my green scraps drawer. Irony: My sister gave me a gift of scraps when I was nearly finished the top. Half of them were green.
Fabric / Best Buys: I'm fairly sure every single piece in the top is a scrap aside from the sashing and border. I used darker fabrics wrong side out when I needed a lighter value. The border is from the box my sister gave me.
Thoughts: I really enjoyed this pattern. I also loved improvising the back with leftover scraps. There is a free class on that teaches different methods. That's where I got the idea.
My seven year old named this quilt. I tried to shorten it down to Kiwis, but "Kiwis and Flies" stuck in my head.
The flower quilting took a long time. I got really good at petals by the time flower number 600 rolled around.
Lessons Learned: Do math better. Buy more than I think I need. I found myself a fat quarter short of a discontinued fabric. I asked for help on Quiltville's FB site. Someone immediately said she'd mail me what I needed free of charge. Quilters are the best thing since rotary cutters.